Unless there be such a thing admitted as a Plastick Nature, that breeds for the sake of something, and in order to Ends, Regularly, Artificially and Methodically, it seems that one or other of these Two Things must be concluded, That Either in the Efformation and Organization of the Bodies of Animals, as well as the other Phenomena, every things comes to pass Fortuitously, and happens to be as it is, without the Guidance and Direction of any Mind or Understanding; Or else, that God himself doth all Immediately, and as it were with his own Hands, Form the Body of every Gnat and Fly, Insect and Mite…
Tuesday, January 12, 2010
The End of the Metaphysicals: Vaughan, Hobbes, Milton, Cudworth
Monday, January 11, 2010
Instructions for Take Home
Here are the instructions for the take-home final exam. We will discuss in class when and how you can request the questions.
There are two options for the exam:
2. You may choose one of the questions below, and use that to address (more comprehensively) the issues which we have discussed in class together. If you choose this option, it would make sense to choose a question which a. will lend itself to a discussion of more than one author, or b. will lend itself to a comprehensive discussion of the works of John Donne. This is to say, you might produce an exam which focuses exclusively on Donne, though you should not produce an exam which focuses exclusively on Marvell or Crashaw.
Tuesday, January 5, 2010
Thursday, December 24, 2009
More Class News
Tuesday, December 22, 2009
Road Map for the Rest of the Semester
For our remaining classes, we will aim to cover the following material.